Please download the updated Admin User guide for 2020. 

The guide covers:

Setting up students, classes and teachers for NSW public and private schools

NSW public schools:

  1. NSW public schools - Step 1: Upload School Data    
  2. NSW public schools - Step 2: Update students 
    • Instructions to lodge an incident for 3PI issues with EDConnect    
    • Import students with roll classes only
    • Import all students with and without roll classes
    • Moving students from unknown class to their roll class
  3. NSW public schools - Step 3: Update teachers
  4. NSW public schools – Step 4: Assigning teachers with a permission level
    • Assigning teachers to classes
  5. NSW public schools - Step 5: Update relationships (optional step)

Private schools:

  1. Private schools – Step 1: setting up classes and students
  2. Private schools – Step 2: Setting up teachers

Frequently asked questions about teacher access

  1. What are the usernames and passwords for new teachers?    
  2. What to do if a teacher can’t log in?
  3. How do I assign teachers to classes?
  4. How do I reset a teacher’s password or username?
  5. How do I add a new teacher or staff member during the year?

Frequently asked questions about classes and students   

  1. How do I break up composite classes (stage or cross-stage classes) for Reports?
  2. How do I rename or edit the names of our roll classes?
  3. How do I add in students manually in the system?
  4. How do I move a student into a different class for reports?
  5. How do I upload student photos?
  6. How do I change a student’s roll class during the year?
  7. How do we remove a student from a class?

Frequently asked questions about 3PI

  1. I get an error message when trying to run sync with the Department's 3PI server
  2. Resetting your 3PI password in the Dept’s 3PI dashboard
  3. I don't have the 3PI password / I deleted the SMS with the password
  4. What to do if your school gets a message that your 3PI subscription is about to expire
  5. Updating your new 3PI password in the Admin tab

NSW public schools - Exporting absences to ebs central