This applies to making changes to a framework that is already in place. You would use this process if you wanted to add in a new KLA to an existing report framework.  

IMPORTANT - only make changes to your current semester's framework. If you adjust a framework from a previous semester, all marks from that semester will be deleted. 

Please bear in mind that making changes to a framework will remove achievement marks if the change is being made to a KLA that is already set up in the current semester. In such an event, teachers will need to re-enter the marks for the affected KLA.

  1. Select the >Admin tab
  2. In the left-hand blue menu, select >Assessment
  3. Then go to >Frameworks>Manage Frameworks 
  4. Select -Edit icon for the class that you want to edit the framework for; and you will be taken into the framework set-up for the class
  5. Under the -Add Criteria section, select the +PLUS icon in the -Add Criteria section heading
  6. All the available criteria for your school will be visible, let’s say you want to add in the Key Learning Area of “Community Languages”
  7. Locate Community Languages; and then fill in the following sections from the drop-down options available:
  • Assess scale – select from 3,4,5,6 value assessment scale for e.g. A-E or Limited-Outstanding are examples of 5-value assessment scales.
  • Assess by -your options are:
    • by Stage outcomes - select from curriculum numbered outcomes for each Stage;
    • by KLA only – meaning that you assign a single overall mark for the KLA as a whole for e.g. Community Languages gets a “SOUND”
    • by Strands only – meaning you may have “Italian”; and “Greek” as strands under the KLA, “Community Languages, and that you assign an individual mark to both Italian and Greek; so you can have each strand marked individually; and then get an overall mark based on the average of the marks in the two strands. You can have as many strands as you wish
  • Assess using-your options are:
    • Multiple indicators – meaning you have different outcome statements that are by Year level or by Stage. These indicators are activated by a Stage Coordinator or by the class teacher.
    • Single Judgement – meaning you assign a single overall mark for the KLA or for the strands
    • Multiple tasks – meaning each teacher can put the tasks that the students were marked on for the KLA for e.g. spelling test; oral presentation; writing task
    • Percentiles – meaning you mark by assigning percentiles
  • Hide Application – select this check-box if you don’t want “Effort” or “Application” displayed for the teacher to mark
  • Hide Comment – select this check-box if you don’t want teachers to put in a comment. If you want a Comment, then leave unchecked; and set the maximum and minimum limits of characters for e.g. 500 characters – maximum and 250 characters - minimum
  • Set maximum and minimum comments lengths – for e.g. 500 and 250
  • Limit – select this check-box if you want to set a hard limit for the comment length; meaning teachers cannot exceed the set maximum limit.


8. Select >Save

What if the KLA that I want is not listed or it's not exactly what I want?

Please send in a request to and let us know the KLA that you want. We will create it for you if it doesn't exist or we will load the official curriculum outcomes for the requested KLA.