Goalhub includes the ability to add a student/mentee's goals into an a plan. The plan can then be managed with version control and exported into a printable format at any time.
Creating a plan
To add goals into a plan click on the 'Plans' icon next to the student and then select 'Add a Plan':
Now choose the type of plan you would like to add. Here we are selecting a Personalised Learning Plan:
Choose which goals you would like to add into the plan. You can also view/add goals that have already been completed by selecting the 'Show Completed Goals' filter:
Once you have selected the goals, click continue to create your plan. Goalhub will prepopulate the student's name, goals, and measures of success (from the goal objectives). You can also add further information such as a review date, learning pathways (strategies), support network, notes and context which can then be recorded and tracked.
Once you have recorded all information, Save your plan at the foot of the page:
The plan will now be saved against the student/mentee and is accessible to any teacher/mentor with access to the student/mentee:
Updating a Plan
Click back into the plan to update it at any time. You can change or add to goal information or update any of the fields.
Each time you save your plan a new version is created. Use the slider bar to view different versions of the plan so that you can track progression:
Export to plan to PDF or a MS Word (.docx) file to print or share with others:
PDF printable example:
Please contact us if you would like to arrange for your logo to appear on the plan.