Goalhub Plus

1. If you have subscribed to Goalhub Plus you can set goals for your students/mentees by, firstly select thier class; and then selecting the circle(s) beside the students/mentees you wish to set a goal for.

2.Then select the menu option 'Goals'

3. you can now choose to create a new goal, or choose an existing goal from your Goalbank.

4. Select 'Create a new goal' to access the goal builder screen.

5. Once assigned or suggested, you will get confirmation that the goal has been sent to all selected students/mentees

Goalhub Standard

1. To suggest a goal, firstly select your class; and then select the circle beside the tile -Selected to select all students/mentees in your class or just select particular students/mentees by selecting the circle beside their name

2. Then select the menu option, -Suggest a Goal

3. In the pop-up window, you can then type in the goal that you want to suggest to the selected users.

4. Break down the goal into steps that the student/menteess need to do to achieve the goal

5. Suggest a target date for achieving the goal

6. Finally, select -Suggest the goal

7. You will get confirmation that the goal has been suggested to all selected students/mentees

8. If you click on any of your students/mentees, you can then see the goal that you suggested in the -Future Goals section in the student/mentee portal

Student/mentee’s view of the goal suggestions from the teacher

1. When your student/mentee logs in, they will see that they have a new notification from the teacher/mentor

2. when they click on it, they will see that the teacher/mentor has suggested a goal for them. The student/mentee will also see their suggested goals in the -My Future Goals panel

3. To see details of the suggested goal, the student/mentee can select the goal by clicking on it. They can then add to the goal in the section, “Is there anything else that you need to do? Write it here”. The student/mentee can change the target date for the goal as well.

4. Once the student/mentee accepts the suggested goal by selecting -Start this goal now, the goal will move from the panel of -My Future Goals to -My Current Goals

Student/mentee accepting teacher-suggested goal

1. The student/mentee accepts the goal by selecting -Start this goal now

2. The suggested goal then appears on the student/mentee’s timeline as a goal to be achieved

3. The student/mentee can add comments and upload files or images in support of their goal

4. If the student/mentee has made a mistake, they can remove the image or file, by simply moving their mouse over the uploaded image, and then selecting the “cross” (X) within the circle on the top-right-hand corner of the image to delete the image. The user will be asked to confirm that they want to delete the image.

5. Comments can be deleted in the same way, by selecting the “cross” (X) within the circle on the right-hand side of the comment to delete the comment. The user will be asked to confirm that they want to delete the comment.