NSW DoE Third-party Data Integration (3PI) directly connects your school’s enrolment system to your Momentum Cloud account, so that you can easily import your school’s relevant information into one or more of Momentum Cloud’s online software service; Momentum ESR, Goalhub, MyPLgoals.

The 3PI connection enables your school to import and update information without the need for uploading Excel documents or entering records individually. All NSW public schools can easily transfer information such as roll classes, student’s details and teacher’s details from the school through to Goalhub via the 3Pi menu option. 

  1. Once your school has signed up to to one of our software services, we put in a request on behalf of the school with the Department's 3PI team
  2. The Department will activate the connection to your school within 24hrs to 48hrs
  3. Once your classes, teachers and students have been set-up in your school's account, we will contact you.
  4. Within Goalhub, you can then create different groups and move students and teachers into those groups. You can also invite guardians into the student's goal space.  
  5. Goalhub syncs on a nightly basis with the Department's 3PI server so your student, class and teacher details will be kept up to date. 

This 3Pi connection has replaced the previous methods of data entry used when setting up or working with Momentum Cloud services.

What if we stop using services from Momentum Cloud?

  • We will disable your account which then stops any further syncing with the Department's 3PI server. After the relevant cooling off period, all school information will be deleted from Momentum Cloud's services and systems. For more information please view our Privacy Policy.

If you need any further assistance, please don’t hesitate to call Momentum Cloud support on 02 8208 6000.