1. Select the >Admin tab

  2. Select >Welfare>Contact Types on the left-hand blue menu 

  3. Select >New at the bottom right-hand side of the page

  4. Enter a name and a default connotation for the contact type/form that you are creating. The default connotation can be set to positive for good contacts and negative for bad, or can be left at neutral to allow teachers to set their own connotation.

  5. Add custom fields as required using the >Add Fields menu - located at the bottom left-hand side of the screen with a number of icons. Hover over the icon to see what the icon does.

  6. Once you insert a field you can customise it as required, and a live preview of the field will be displayed. To remove a field you no longer want, select the red button to the right of the field title. 

  7. When you have added the required fields, Select >Save

  8. The contact type will be saved and be available for use immediately in the Welfare Module.

  9. You can shift the position of the fields by clicking into the field and holding down your mouse and shifting the field/section up or down

A breakdown of the custom fields available is as follows 

Text Area: A text area that can fit multiple lines. Users can enter their own text into this area.

Text Field: A single line text field. Users can enter their own text into this area..

Flag: A checkbox that can be ticked or un-ticked. Used for yes/no options.

Single Choice: A list of choices that allows for one selection out of many options. Can be displayed as a drop-down box or checkboxes. If the 'Optional' checkbox is not ticked, a selection must be made. You can click on the green 'plus' icon to add another choice, or on the red 'minus' icon to remove a specific choice.

Multiple Choice: A list of choices, many or no options can be selected. Can be displayed as a list or as checkboxes. You can click on the green 'plus' icon to add another choice, or on the red 'minus' icon to remove a specific choice.

Date/Time: Allows the user to select a date and time using a calendar and time slider.

Date: Allows the user to select a date using a calendar.

Time: Allows the user to select a time using a time slider.

Adding and Modifying Form Letters

Form letters are letters with dynamic fields that can be generated and sent home to parents. Common form letters include detention and suspension notifications, school trips, and student award notifications.

Create a new form letter:

  1. Select >Admin

  2. Select >Welfare from the left-hand blue menu

  3. Then select >Form Letters

  4. Select >New at the bottom of the page

  5. Enter a name for the Form Letter

  6. Select which Contact Types you want the Form Letter to be available for.
     For example, if you only want an Awards Form Letter to be available when a student has an Awards Contact created, you can choose the >Only Selected Types option and type in the Student Awards contact type OR select multiple contact types you want to associate the letter with, by selecting the >Bulk Assign link

  7. Type in your Form Letter using the default text editor. Advanced users can edit the letter using the included HTML editor, available by clicking on the -Cog Wheel icon.

  8. Select >Save

You can add pictures, tables, and other formatting to your Form Letter to get it to look exactly as required. To modify an existing Form Letter, simply press the 'Edit' button to the right of the Form Letter name.

An exciting feature in Form Letters is the addition of Placeholders - these dynamically insert information from ESR when a Form Letter is generated from a contact. The Placeholder menu is accessible by pressing the blue <> button in the text editor, and you can select from a number of placeholders - from the student's name and gender to the description of the contact.

This means that the letter will auto-populate the details of the student and any other placeholder information when generated.

Welfare Reports

You can then choose to generate a report for specific students or by contact type.

Welfare report for a student

  1. Select the -Reports tab

  2. On the left-hand brown menu, select >Welfare

  3. To generate a report for a specific student, select >By Student

  4. Type in the name of the student in the search field -Students

  5. Select the date from the -Date field. If you need a report for a specific time period, select -Custom from the drop down options in the -Date field, and specify the start and end date.

  6. Select >Generate 

  7. You will get a spreadsheet with all the welfare incidents report for the student which you can open up in Excel

Welfare report by Contact Types 

To generate reports to see all incidents recorded against a Contact Type (form for specific events/incidents), you choose to view by Roll Class; by Year Level; by Connotation (positive; negative; neutral) or by the types of contact for e.g. Sick Bay; Negative Behaviour  etc

  1. Select the -Reports tab

  2. On the left-hand brown menu, select >Welfare

  3. To generate a report for a specific student, select >By Type

  4. On the main page, you can then choose to generate a report for all contact types – this is the default selection. Or you can select the drop down icon from the field -Contact Type: All and specify the Contact Type you want

  5. Then specify whether you want the Report for all Roll Classes; all Grade Years; or by Contact Type.

  • Select -List contacts by Roll Class for a report by Roll Classes

  • Select -List Contact Types by Grade Years for a report for each year level in the school

  1. This will take you to the -Report Options screen. Here you can specify a date range by selecting -Date and selecting one of the options below; or selecting -Specify Range if you want the report for a specific period

  2. The summary of the reports will then be presented in the section below the -Report Options screen

  3. To view the details of the Report select the hyperlinks in the first column for e.g. the Roll Class name; Year Level or name of Contact Type

  4. This will then give you details such as Contact ID, Contact Date, Name of Student, Contact Type, Teacher reporting the incident etc

  5. You can choose to export this report by selecting the icon with CSV on the bottom right-hand corner of the screen

  6. This will then generate a spreadsheet that you can open up in Excel


You can also select the Contact ID numbers which are hyperlinks to the actual reported Contact Type. Selecting the Contact ID will take you to the specific student's profile in Welfare


  • We can also set up form letters that pull in the appropriate student details for each Contact Type i.e. you may have a letter that you send home when a child falls ill. Form letters are set up so that it can be applied to any child