To give all teachers access to all classes, you can assign the teachers as "Viewers"

However any teacher that has access to a class whether as a teacher; viewer or Executive can alter the indicators - so you will need to let staff know that they should not make any changes to the indicators.

On the Report cover, only the teachers that as assigned as "teachers" will have their names appear on the Report cover. The teachers that have Executive or Viewer access will not have their names show up on the Report cover page.

You can change the access level by doing the following:

Class access as "viewer" for teachers

  1. Click on Admin tab
  2. Click on Assessment on left hand menu
  3. Click on "Manage Classes"
  4. The list of classes with class name; student number; teachers will appear
  5. Click on "Teachers" under the "Actions" section 
  6. Then in the area of "Class Access" - click on "Bulk Assign" 
  7. A list of all the teachers will appear in a pop-up window 
  8. Tick all the teachers that you need to have access to the class and then click on "Assign" in the pop-up window
  9. Then click "Save" in the main window
  10. Repeat steps 2-9 for each class

NOTE: Please tell teachers not to touch the indicators as they will be able to change them.