NSW Public Schools - Step 1: Upload School Data

  1. For all NSW DoE primary schools, the transfer of information such as roll classes; students' details; and teachers' details from the school through to Momentum ESR is available under the Admin tab through the 3Pi menu option
  2. Select >Admin>3Pi on the left-hand blue menu
  3. Select the >Upload School Data option in the menu and select >Sync with DoE
  4. The sync will take a few minutes – you can keep this running in the background. Once the sync has been completed, you can refresh your screen or just select the menu item >3Pi again and select >Upload School Data – you will now see date of the last upload will be updated so that it is today’s date. You can now proceed to Step 2 below.

NSW Public schools - Step 2: Update students

  1. Select the >Admin tab>3Pi>Update students in the left-hand blue menu.
  2. The page will have an explanation on what this process does as well as the date of your last sync with the DoE – the process that you just ran in Step 1
  3. Select >Update Students on the lower right-hand side under the section with the explanation
  4. The process –Analysing Students Data run will commence and you will see a grey bar running across the top of the page
  5. Once this process is completed, you will then see the page to -Verify Students Data Update
  6. Under Verify Students Data Update you will see three tabs: New; Update and Deactivate.
    •  New stands for new student records 
    • Update stands for existing student records to be updated. 
    • Deactivate stands for students that have left and need to be removed from their respective classes (you will not be able to tick this checkbox if there are no students to remove) 
  7. Located within each tab are numbers which denote the number of records selected and available records to be updated. Select each tab New, Update or Deactivate to view the records listed and verify that the records are correct. If you are running the sync for the first time to set up your school, simply TICK all two or three check boxes (if the check box for the “deactivate” is greyed out, it means you do not need to tick this box)
  8. After you tick the relevant check boxes beside New, Update and Deactivate tab headings, select >Apply Changes. If the -Apply Changes icon can’t be selected, just untick and re-tick either the New or the Update checkbox to re-active the -Apply Changes icon
  9. The system will now update student records, this may take a few minutes. After the update is complete select >Go to Student Administration.
  10. This is to verify the newly imported students listed – you can navigate to this by going to the >Admin tab- Student Administration as well. You will see your newly updated list of students with green ticks next to each record. This means that they are currently active in your system and your import has been completed.
  11. Select Admin>General>Maintenance Mode check that ‘maintenance’ mode has been turned off. Under Maintenance Mode heading the text should read Your School is not currently locked. If locked select the Turn Maintenance Mode Off icon.



During STEP 1 and STEP 2, your school account will be placed in ‘maintenance mode’ until you have finished the importing process. This means that during this time, only users with Admin Level access can use the system.  Teachers who are logged into the system will be notified that the system is in Maintenance Mode and they won’t be able to use the system until the import process is completed as the ‘maintenance mode’ is turned off.