(Please note: the invite may have gone into the mentor/mentee 's spam folder)
First check to make sure the correct email address was entered by doing the following:
- Select My Team in the navigation menu at the top of the screen
- If a mentor/coach didn't receive the invite code, select Mentors/Coaches on the left side of the screen
- If a mentee/coachee didn't receive the invite code, select Mentoring/Coaching on the left side of the screen
- A receipt of the sent invitation should appear in the list with the heading "An invitation has been sent to:".
- Check the email address in the receipt, and consult with the mentor/mentee on the email's validity
If the email address is correct:
- Take note of the invite code in the receipt, or copy/paste the invite code into a message
- Give the code to the mentor/mentee, so they may enter it manually into their account
If the email address is incorrect:
- Remove the invitation by clicking on the red cross symbol to the right side of the receipt
- Re invite the mentor/mentee by selecting the Connect button to the left side of the screen
- Follow the prompts, making sure to enter the correct email address
Please don't hesitate to contact the support desk on (02) 8208 6000 or by submitting a ticket to the support desk